Chasing baby goats

Playing baseball with the village kids

Sleeping inside a mud hut (or outside when it was too hot)

Visiting children at the Village d’Enfants S.O.S., an international organization for orphans

Riding a donkey

Dyeing fabric

Attempting to carry peanuts like the Malian women

...still trying...

Dancing with the village women

nice pictures L-Dawg!!! miss you
Great pictures. The goat looks happy, the donkey does not.
Keep in touch.
Love Dad
I am very proud of you! It's looks like you're having a great time and I am sure this will be an absolutely unforgettable experience. Try to enjoy every minute of it (except for the mosquitoes and the no toilet paper thing, or course). However, when did you grow up? Aren't you still only 7 years old? I just can't comprehend how this happened!! I need to talk to your parents.
When wasn't it too hot to sleep in the hut?
Love, Mom
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